قد يكون الموضوع غير ذات أهمية بالنسبة لما يحدث الأن على الساحة المصرية و لكن لدي موضوع كنت أود ان أثيرة منذ فترة و خاصة عقب أحداث الإسكندرية لما قراته في بعض المدونات الغير عربية والموضوع هوعن المدونين "المصريين" و تحت المصريين خطوط كثيرة و بجانبها علامات إستفهام كثيرة , أستكمل , أقصد المدونين المصريين الذين يكتبون بالإنجليزية و قد لاحظت انهم بإستثناء بهية التي نبصم لها بالعشرة بأنها تعبر و بقوة عن مصر و تعيش ما يعيشة المصريين فإن الباقي من المدونين بالإنجليزية لا يعبرون أبدا عن المدونين المصريين و لا يعبرون نهائيا في رأئي عن مصر او المصريين و كلما دخلت على بيتنا بيت المدونين عند منال و علاء ووجدت التدوينات التي بالغة الإنجليزية أشعر أنني لست على الإطلاق في موقع للمدونين المصريين مثال ما رأيتة منذ قليل
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بذمتكم يا مدونين ده بيعبر عنا و لا عن مصر لا أقصد الحجر على أحد بس نفسي اجد أكثر من مدون مصري يكتب بالإنجليزية و يكون مصري بجد عايش على الأرض معانا بيشوف و يسمع زينا و زي كل المصريين على الأقل لأن الصورة دي لو بتوصل للأخرين توصل صح لكن مش مشوهه كده
يعني.. هم من حقّهم يكتبوا اللي هم عايزينه، ولما حد بيكتب حاجة باحس إن فيها مغالطة مثلاً بارُدّ وأقاوح، لكن غير كده.. مش شايف ليه وجودهم مشكلة كبيرة؟
(لا أعتقد أنّ مِس مبروك مصريّة، بس جايز أنا غلطان).
فيه ناس تانية كمان غير بهيّة بتكتب كويس بالإنجليزي.
I don't think that Egyptians shall all have the same taste and write on the same topics. I may really disagree with many of the posts you have mentioned here and their writers, but they still can write whatever they want.
كل واحد يكتب إللي هو عايزه و لا هم المدونين المصريين بقى ليهم قواعد و قوانين تحكمهم؟؟
و بعدين، كل واحد بيعبر عن نفسه في مدونته، و محدش فينا متحدث رسمي عن مصر أو المصريين، يعني كل واحد مسئول عن مدونته و له القراء بتوعه و هم راضيين كده
It is so nice to come here and visit my Egyptian girl friend and also see R's pretty smile and read Tarek's wise comments!
Yes, we have different ideas and priorities. We are both also limited by selecting one language. Personally, I like to keep my sources to the English language as well, because that is the links which my readers will click. If they need other input, I am happy to refer them to your blog. I like to think we should help each other as much and we can and of course discuss the issues where we disagree. If we all had the same thing to say, we could as well let Al Ahram controll us.
Anyway, that's not why I came around. I wanted you to see this picture, and the rest in the gallery:
(see Tarek, I did it again!)
(R - please post that portrait of you in my blog comments every day!)
Everyone is free to express his opinion. We are not cows.
يعني أنا ملاحظ أن التنوع في المدونات العربية أكتر من اللي بالانجليزي بس ده مش معناه أن ده حاجة وحشة و لازم تتهاجم
عموما المثالين اللي أنتي شاورتي عليهم لناس بتدون بأسلوب معتمد أساسا على مناقشة رابط على النت، يعني مختلف تماما عن المعتاد من المدونات العربي
و بعدين مضوع الموميات المنسية في بدروم المتحف ده مهم جدا في رأيي و موضوع منصر الزيات برضه و موضوع الفياجرا مسلي و البنية بتسأل في أخره سؤال خطير جدا
قرد الرمال في الغالب بيعفرتني بس ما هو نص المدونات العربي برضه بتعفرتني عادي يعني
لا فعلا لا يرضينى
انا شايف ان احنا نهب عليهم هبة رجل واحد
و نخلص عليهم
أو نعمل حملة اسمها
لا تدون بالانجليزى
التدوين مش كدا
مع احترامي الشديد لاراء الجميع
انا شايف ان اكتر حاجه حلوة في التدوين هنا ان كل واحد عنده مطلق الحرية يكتب اللي شايفه ونفسه يقوله
ولكل واحد حق الرد ....
زي ربنا ماهو مدي كل الناس مطلق الحريه ف كل حاجه
اختلاف الدين ، اللغة ، البني ادم ، اللون ، الفكر ، الهدف ، الرغبه ، والشهوة ، واختلاف كمان طرق عمل كل واحده من دول
ديه حريه ومن حقك انت كمان تكتب وتقول زي مانت كاتب رأيك فيهم
هو الواحد مقدر شعورك و إحساسك بإن إحنا فى كارثة مستمرة لا يمكن تجاهلها أو نسيانها..بس..دا لا يعنى أن من لا يدون عن موضوعات الساعة يبقى مش عايش فى الدنيا..!! بالطريقة دى.. يبقى كل الأفلام و الكتب و المجلات و الأشعار و المسرحيات و اللوحات و ..و كلها ستدور حول حياتنا السوداء فى ظل النظام الفاسد و العيشة المـُرة. دى لا هى وسيلة صحية للتعبير.. ولا حاجة حتحللنا مشاكلنا. و بعدين لية شايفة أن كده شكلنا وحش قدام الناس.. بالعكس, دا كنا إحنا جامدين قوى و بنكتب عن أى حاجة فى أى وقت..رغم كل إللى أحنا فيه..:)) . يعنى أنت مثلاً لو وجدنا موضوع تدوينتك القادمة يدور حول " كحك العيد"..:))) كده حيبقى يبقى أنت بعتى القضية ..و نسيتى و اتجهتى للفرفشة و ..؟؟ أبداً..!! و أبقى جربى بنفسك
إذا كان سؤالك عن إذا ما كانوا يمثلون المدونين المصريين فالإجابة في رأيي هي لا، و لكن هل أمثل أنا المدونين المصريين لأجيب إجابة قاظعة على ذلك السؤال؟ بالطبع لا. طبعا دمي اتحرق مرارا و تكرارا في بداية عهدي بالتدوين عندما قرأت بعض تلك المدونات، و بالمناسبة هي لا تقتصر على المدونات الانجليزية، و لكن المدونات مثلها مثل دنيانا، لا تخلو من حرقة الدم.
المدونون المصريون مازالوا يمثلون شريحة ضيّقة من المجتمع المصري، و تلك الشريحة تتميّز بتعدد الآراء و التوجهات، و بالتالي فلا نملك أن ندعي بأن مجموع المدونين المصريين يمثلون الشعب المصري. و بصراحة، كان ذلك أحد أسباب عدم تحمسي لفكرة نقابة المدونين.
أعتقد أن مستقبل حركة التدوين المصرية هو إلى تجمعات من المدونين أصحاب الأفكار و الاهتمامات المشتركة، و التحدي الحقيقي سيكون الحفاظ على تعدد الآراء و احترام الرأي الآخر في تلك التجمعات بدلا من سيطرة الشللية عليها.
لم و لن و حاشا لله أن احجر على احد ولا أقوله اكتب و لا متكتبتش الجملة دي لو في حد فهمني غلط و مش حنختلف كل واحد فعلا يقول اللي هو عايز يقولو في الوقت اللي هو عايز يقول فيه و ده بالظبط اللي أنا عملته
مشيرة فعلا موضوع كحك العيد ده يستحق المناقشة يلا كل سنة و كلكم كلكم طيبين
Mr.3orabi2 of course u r not a cow and we are not cows ,i didn't see any cow with a blog did u?
Dear Wa7da Masria ( and everyone that feels the same way),
Usually I would have 2 responses to anybody who ever questions my nationalism or the intentions of my blog: I either ignore them because they are being idiotic, or I would bitch them out for advocating a facist point of view on what kind of content an egyptian blog should have. I will chose to do neither in this case and will instead try to reach out to you and everyone else that may feel the same way you do. Rest assured that I won't be defending myself or justifying what I do, because I don’t recognize you or anyone else as the epitome of what an Egyptian blog should be, nor should I care what your opinion is even if I did recognize it. I expect you and everyone else who is creative enough to hold an interesting or new blog in the Egyptian blogsphere to do and feel the same, including you.
Now, since the blogs in question happen to be political in nature, and all of them having a similar point of view (with exceptions of course), I will limit this response to bloggers who blog on politics or what goes on in Egypt. Fair enough, no?
Your criticism stems from a number of posts that you found on day on the aggregator, some of them talks about a political issue regarding Egypt, most of them don't. This is the nature of those 3 specific blogs though ya Wa7dah. They are political blogs with a miscallenous spin to them. What that means is that they don't only focus on Egyptian politics, but rather also regional ones and the occasional amusing post. This was a creative choice by those bloggers it seems, and it's one that served them well. It always gave them something to write about, instead of always being limited to what goes on in the Egyptian political scene. They do, however, focus on the Egyptian political and social scene first, as any one who has been monitoring them regularly would tell you. And they all share one thing also in common: They- like you- don't like the shit that's been going on in this country. The bloggers are all mad- like the rest of us- at the sham that is our presidential elections, at what's been happening in Egypt in the name of Qanoon el taware2, the tragic conflict that occurred in Alexandria and whose after-effects we still talk about and discuss till this day. We all have that in common: the fact that we love and care for this country, that we are sad at the state it's in, that we all would like so very much to live in a democratic Egypt where the people would have respected rights wel kharah elly beya7sal feeha dah yebatal ye7sall. That, like it or not, we have in common. That should be all that matters if you ask me.
But no, you are mad, because , you see, we have ideological differences. We don’t always think alike, or view things eye to eye. How dare we? We should all think and act and write alike, No? After all, that's what's being creative is all about. Or wait, nope, that's what being "Egyptian" is all about. Isn’t that what you imply? That our point of view doesn’t make us "Egyptian enough" for your taste? Because what? We think differently? We view things differently? We may have a different political outlook on things? That's great Wa7da. That's fantastic. If that's the freedom of expression and opinion that you claim to be fighting for and that's what being "Egyptian" means, then sure, you can say that I am as un-egyptian as an Israeli mossad agent.
And let me take a minute and tell you something about Baheyaa elly enty betomsommy beeha bel3asharah dih: She is American. She blogs from America ya hanem and says what she says behind the comfort and protection of an American passport. Something neither me nor Big Pharoh have. So while it's easy for her to say and do what she wants and attack the regime bera7etha knowing nothing will come to her, a7nah zayenah zayokom fih dih we loetshadeenah kolennah 7aneb2ah fe 2afas wa7ed. This has never stopped you nor me in saying what we say and writing what we write. But yeah, we may look at certain things differently, so that makes you a hero we ana wad amrikanny maloohsh da3wah belbalad dih. Makes perfect sense.
Listen ya wa7dah, I have never attacked any of the political bloggers who write in Arabic despite my disagreements with them ideologically, because I believe that 1) they are entitled to their own opinion and 2) that we all want the same things for this country despite our differences. Whenever I meet any of you people I am always nice and polite and go out of my way to be friendly, because I respect what they do and stand for, even when I don’t agree with it. A lot of them act the same way, and many don't. It's ok. I don’t take it personally. But I don’t go out of my way to bitch at them in my blog.
I find it rather sad that this is what we end up doing in the Egyptian blogsphere: just fight with each other over the stupidest shit. There is this whole gang mentality employed here : Arabic-writing bloggers vs. English-writing bloggers, Pro-america bloggers vs. anti-america bloggers. And we don’t even wanna get into the whole religious bloggers against everybody else. But this is what we have. A bunch of overblown egos betsharhsa7 leba3d. Not a single other blogsphere acts the way we act and that's a shame, Because honestly, I have seen some of the most talented writers on the level of the middle-east blogsphere to be Egyptians. And instead of finding ways of cultivating that, we spend too much time just being petty or what have you. It's honestly shamefull and it's stupid.
That's all I have to say on this.
May be that's coz you are "Wa7da Masreya" and they are just "Wa7ed" or "Wa7da".
For non Arabic speakers
Wa7da = Girl
Wa7ed = Boy
Masreya = Egyptian
(see ritzy, I did it again!)
"And let me take a minute and tell you something about Baheyaa elly enty betomsommy beeha bel3asharah dih: She is American. She blogs from America ya hanem and says what she says behind the comfort and protection of an American passport."
Sam.. This is really the worst thing I ever saw you writing...
Whether Baheyya is American or Marsian!! who cares? It's not because you're being attacked that you start spitting at other bloggers.
Why do you violate someone's privacy if she insists on avoiding public appearances? That's so silly!
It's exactly as if someone says "Oh.. Sandmonkey's mother is in the NDP and she can protect him".. Each blogger has the right to write whatever. Baheyya is becoming famous because of her style, her smart posts, and her deep analysis; you are definitely more popular too.. Cool down!!
معلش أنا دخلت عليك عشوائيا عشان أنا تايهة جدا في عالم المدونات ده و نفسي أعرف حاجات
انا وقعت من السما و انت استلقيتيني.. موافقة اني ولاّ ايه؟؟
أنا دلوقت عملت مدونة.. وسميت المدونة عنقود العنب.. بس مش عارفة ازاي أنشرها و لا عارفة ازاي اشترك معاكم في المجمعات ولا أي تفاصيل خالص
حتى مدوني مش فاهة ايه كمية الأسماء اللي ظاهرة فيها
يعني اسم المدونة .. عنقود العنب (1)
و بدخلها بالميل بتاعي(2)
و فيه عنوان تاني انا اخترته في خطوات التسجيل وهو :freeeefeeling@blogbost ومش عارفة ده هاستخده امتى و ليه
اتمنى ألاقي رد و ياريت على الميل بتاعي hendobobos على الياهو.. معلش .. أنا عارفة ان اللي أنا فيه ده رمي جتت .. بس يا ريت لو تقدري تفيديني في الموضوع ده
وشكرا جدا على الاهتمام
الميل على الياهو هو hendobobos و بجد معلش على الازعاج
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In the whole world's time, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into flame at near an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation for those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
In everyone's time, at some pass‚, our inner throw goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm beside an face with another human being. We should all be indebted quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's existence, at some occasion, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into zeal beside an be faced with with another human being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
In every tom's life, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm by an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's sustenance, at some time, our inner throw goes out. It is then bust into passion at near an face with another hominoid being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In everyone's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm by an contend with with another hominoid being. We should all be glad for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
In the whole world's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner pep goes out. It is then break asunder into flame at hand an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In harry's time, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then bust into zeal at near an be faced with with another human being. We should all be indebted recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's time, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into zeal by an face with another human being. We should all be under obligation quest of those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In the whole world's sustenance, at some pass‚, our inner foment goes out. It is then burst into flame beside an face with another benign being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
In everyone's time, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm at near an face with another human being. We should all be indebted for those people who rekindle the inner transport
In the whole world's time, at some occasion, our inner fire goes out. It is then break asunder into zeal at hand an be faced with with another human being. We should all be thankful quest of those people who rekindle the inner spirit
In harry's existence, at some dated, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into flame at hand an face with another benign being. We should all be indebted for those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's life, at some pass‚, our inner throw goes out. It is then bust into zeal beside an encounter with another benign being. We should all be under obligation for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In harry's existence, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into passion beside an encounter with another magnanimous being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In the whole world's existence, at some occasion, our inner foment goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm at near an contend with with another benign being. We should all be under obligation for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport
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